A symbol representing the blue rose.

Dysphoria and Euphoria

"A bad drawing of an anthropomorphic sheep/goat in a blue-and-yellow dress, getting impaled by a bronze sword in such a way that the bottom of it's handle kinda looks like a penis. Blood is leaking everywhere and the sheep/goat is holding a sagging blue rose."

Being trans has it's ups-and-downs...


Gender Dysphoria Bible
!Depersonalization in Gender Dysphoria
To Grieving Parents
!I am a trans woman, I am in the closet, and I am not coming out




All Of Us Flames by Ezra Furman (Bandcamp)
solipsisters by katie dey (Bandcamp)
The Orgin of My Depression by Uboa (Bandcamp)


!Is It Cold In The Water? by SOPHIE (Youtube)
Home by Cavetown (Bandcamp)
Candy Says by The Velvet Underground (Youtube)


2022-11-07: "My sister cut her hair very short recently, and now many people have been mistaking me for her because I am the only other person in the house with long hair. As a closeted trans girl, I am very much enjoying this :P" (Source)

2021-03-16: "Welp, my parents forced me to cut my hair even though I wanted to grow it out longer :(" (Source)